Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today we put an exhibition cum sale of greetings made by kids we interact at our Mohali campus. The response was truly amazing and extraordinary, everyone willing to contribute something. In words of Keshav" This huge response puts extra weightage of responsibility on us to perform better, and really make some stable contributions in the life of those kids.
Most of you have seen the movie "THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION (1994)". Why am I remebering this movie? Because of the message it carried "Hope is best of the things". Today's outstanding response creates hope, we will succeed. I would just like to quote some of the final conversations of the movie in this context:-
This was an letter to red (Morgan Freeman)............

  • "Dear Red:
    If you're reading this,
    you've gotten out...
    ...and if you've come this far,
    maybe you'd come a bit further
    You remember the name
    of the town, don't you?

    I could use a good man
    to help me get my project on wheels.

    I'll keep an eye out for you,
    and the chessboard ready.

    Remember, Red...

    ...hope is a good thing...

    ...maybe the best of things.

    And no good thing ever dies.

    I will be hoping
    that this letter finds you...
    ...and finds you well.

    Your friend...
When so many good men are helping us , we hope we can do some real good for someone.......
And this is Morgan Freeman saying to himself and hoping.....................

  • "I hope I can make it across the border.

    I hope to see my friend
    and shake his hand.

    I hope the Pacific is as blue
    as it has been in my dreams.

    I hope...................."
In the last, I hope ........ "we can make it and make it better".

Monday, April 19, 2010

Great experience

"AREE BHAIYYA EK PHOTO MERA BHEE KHEENCH DO" This kind of comments were there when I was clicking the photos. They were so enthusiastic, just because someone was taking there photo, and many of them was one who never faced a camera before this in there life. It was great experience to clicking their snaps because they were making different poses for their first photo. Finally they demanded for the photos , I will get print out of those photos for the next time.



Saturday, April 17, 2010

A premature vote of thanks


We shall be doing something concrete for the kids in two days time. And after that it, a lot of thoughts will melt away. So I want to hold a premature vote of thanks.

Thanks are due to all those who were sensitive enough to contribute in their own way, even if it was providing colors for kids when not asked or driving here and there for unconnected purposes. Names are, in alphabetical order, Abhilasha, Amit Sir, Ankit, Anshu, Dilraj, Kapil, Karishma, Keshav, Manish, Mehreen, Nilmani, Rajni, and Vikesh. My apologies if I left out on any.

ps- some of our contributors may feel that there was no need for the post, that there was no need to 'glorify' them- does all this blogging business really matter? It does- not in the long run, but for that very moment, it does...

Friday, April 2, 2010

The pleasure of sharing


Hey, your pencil is so small that you can't even hold it.
These words catch my attention. I turn my neck towards the girl holding that pencil and declare - she must have chewed the bigger half of the pencil.

No! Actually she has shared the other half with her brother, confirms Abhilasha, who is handling that lot of kids. Now I see a quiet boy solving multiplication sums holding the other half of the pencil. We are so much carried away by our limited imagination that the truth becomes almost the last thing we would think of!

So many problems in the world today have their origin in the unwillingness of humans to share. I wish if we could learn the pleasure of sharing from the girl who, we think, is supposed to learn from us.

And here is my bit to share - a picture of kids I took with my mobile camera.